Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Fragrant like a fly

For my cousin, 10 years old

Your room smells like a rubbish bin full of

miscellaneously rotting residues of food

like a washroom just had been used by someone

like a durian in the sewer

Like rotten tofu, like someone taking off shirts

after a long distance running, like a laboratory being exploded

a piece of fur being burned

a worm rotted in an apple 

a cockroach died in the drainage ditch

Like a fly flying among flowers

like a room being attacked by a skunk

like a bible in the library,

a reclamation depot, a bed 

with thousands bugs on it

like Stilton cheese from English

like the air after rain,

a plastic bag on fire, like a hundred

people in a small washroom, like a homeless cat

never had a shower,

the oppressive atmosphere when you zip your coat to head,

Chopin plays “Nocturnes” to the deaf,

the smell of a plate has scented cuisine from all over the world,

like a basket of egg braked on the way home

like birds fly under the high atmospheric pressure

like a mice family coming to your home

and making their own place, like a swimmer 

forgot how to breathe under the water, like air in the vacuum bag,

like a 1.8m man stuck in a 1.5m box

like a old cobwebbed house 

like the smell I smelled when near your door

and walked in your room rejoiced that I still alive.


  1. its a very poetic poem! nice nice

  2. The simile in your poem is very nice. In fact,there are lots of people has the same kinds of room like your cousin.

  3. I can see the images through your poem
